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Seit 1996 setzen wir Design in den Kontext gesellschaftsrelevanter Themen. Gegründet haben das Unternehmen die Diplom-Designer Susanne Klaar und Thorsten Greinus.
Klaar arbeitet in einem multidisziplinären Team aus Designresearcher*innen, Kommunikations- und Kulturwissenschaftler*innen, Kunsthistoriker*innen, Journalist*innen, Jurist*innen, Autor*innen, Umweltwissenschaftler*innen, Soziolog*innen, Philosoph*innen, Künstler*innen und Architekt*innen, Sustainable Development-Expert*innen und Akteur*innen für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Kurz: Wir gestalten mit Menschen, die Verantwortung übernehmen.

Companies in search for reliable and experienced industry partners with our service profile.
Our services
• Tray cleaning
• Electrostatics / ionization> Solutions - Integration - Consulting <
• Conveyor / workplace systems
• Test systems
• Automation, robotics and accessories
• Construction of transport systems and equipment, also for clean room conditions
• Temperature control
• Ergonomics and work safety
• Development and 3D visualization
• Process optimization
We fulfill these functions by your side:
• Process optimizer
• Maintenance team
• Innovative new developers
• Solution finder
• Service partner

We are looking for new (non-automotive)-customers, for example from the fields of
- medical technology
- aviation
- marine technology
- hydraulic/mechatronic technology
- general mechanical engineering
where we are already able to offer a lot of experience.

We are looking for
- tourism operators, stakeholders, investors and providers.
Please visit for further information about our company and vision.
Our focus is the optimization of the prerequisites to minimize environmental damage regarding tourism in the project area as well as the development of concepts in the field of healthy eco-tourism including: social, cultural and economic issues. We aim to improve competitiveness by developing new business areas based on the incentives and qualities that can be identified within the project area. The aim is to deepen and promote skills and knowledge levels in the area of healthy and sustainable tourism in the program region - and to market the region as a destination with a combination of products that have essential novelties and offer opportunities to extend the tourist season.

Wir suchen Veranstalter von privaten Familienfeiern und Konzertveranstalter sowie sämtliche Ausstatter von gewerblichen Veranstaltungen und bieten eine Vielzahl von Kontakten zu deutschen Firmen der Veranstaltungsbranche sowie neue Ideen für private Events.

Household Branch/ White-Ware
companies who develop gastronomic system and machines
customers who are interested in tool wage manufacturing
customers with innovtive ideas for new products and searching for a partner in tool/mold construction and injection moulding in series production.
Rotary Switches for Ovens, fridges, stoves, any kinds of machines, cleaning machines, knobs for barbecue grills, aerospace technologies, defense- military demands with high performance requirements
Since more than 100 years we are your specialist in manufacturing plastic parts out of THERMOSET and THERMOPLASTIC material as well as production and assembling of rotary switches. Also the injection molding of inserts in thermoset and thermoplastic is familiar to us.
We have our own tool & mold depatment and construction with a production depth of 95%.
Bernhardt & Schulte currently acts mainly on markets like automotive, houshold appliance (long year customers in rotary switches and plastic parts like Miele, BSH and SMEG) and furniture industry worldwide. We are innovative, future-oriented and in favour of new markets and tasks.
Our strength is our know-how, excellent quality, innovation, flexibility and quick decision making.
We support you from the first idea, through tool construction, to series production, prototyping belongs also to our offered service.
If you have individual requirements for example, special preferred rotation torque of switches you're welcome and we are able to offer you a solution.
Attention: Beside rotary switches we have special know-how in thermosetting plastic, tools and the injection-molding process.
This special material is able to replace metal, is very heat resistant, special insulation properties and very comfortable in use for different gastronomic- machines, used for high-voltage solutions, can be a problem solver in the sanitary branch etc.
Moreover it's important to know, thermosetting plastic can be an attractive alternative to high performance thermoplastic material "PEEK"
From the first idea to the construction of tool/mold to the series production, everything in one factory.
Flexibility, long-years know-how in thermoplastic and thermoset process, tool construction and series production of technical parts
low hirachies and quick decisions
If there are problems during series production, no problem, we are able to check and fix the tool to continue and take carre of the whole process.
Experience in handling of global partnerships like USA, Australia, Europe, China, etc.
Maybe one of less real engineering and production "Made in Germany"
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